Tendon Related Issues

Tendon related issues can come in the form of a tendinopathy or rupture. Tendinopathy is the most common form that presents to the clinic and affects people in many different ways based off their lifestyle, activity levels and overall health.

A tendinopathy most of the time is the result of doing too much too soon, or not doing enough so the tendon deconditions to load.

Tendons like all tissues in the body have a loading capacity that they can tolerate and adapt from. However when we spike training loads and do not allow sufficient recovery between training bouts, we can get an overload to the tendon. This results in the capacity of the tendon being exceeded and eventually pathology occurs in the tendon. Typical changes when pathology occurs are an inability to sustain training performance (from reduced stiffness and elasticity in the tendon). Pain that warms up and gives a false sense of hope is typical of a tendinopathy, although the pain occurs post training and usually worsens over time.

For the tendon issue to reside, it is imperative that a structured loading program is implemented where the goal is to restore the tendons load capacity. At The Reform Lab Osteopathy we are passionate about tendon issues and work hard to keep up to date with the research on this ever changing topic. We are fortunate enough to train out of the fully equipped gym Project Reform where your rehabilitation can be monitored and coached.

Frequent tendinopathy injuries that present to the clinic:

Make sure you have a read of our blog on ‘Tendon Reaction Injuries’ and ‘Achilles Heel - What is that pain at the back of the heel?’ for a scientific evidenced based write up on tendons.

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Tendinitis, tendinopathy injury - Treatment Brisbane