
Arthritis comes in many forms. The name arthritis is for a group of conditions that affects the joints in the body. Sometimes these conditions have an inflammatory component to them, which is where the ‘itis’ comes from. Overall there are more than 100 forms of arthritis! Each type of arthritis, affects people in different ways, including some affecting the eyes and other organs.

Typically arthritis causes stiffness, pain and in some forms damage to the joints. Arthritis is not just a disease that affects the elderly. It can present in children and does not discriminate on background or age.

The most common forms of arthritis:

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Gout

  • Ankylosing Spondylitis

Osteoarthritis is the most common presentation that presents to the clinic. It usually presents in those over 40 and is characterised by joint stiffness and pain that typically settles with more movement. Although there is no cure for osteoarthritis, there are many treatment options that can help you manage your presentation. Osteopathy, through manual movement is one way that may improve symptoms. Whilst the prescription of appropriate exercise not only can improve levels of pain/stiffness but improve overall functional capacity.

Osteoarthritis is not a “wear and tear” condition it commonly gets referred to. It is a normal part of the aging process and it should be seen as a “rest and rust” condition. The reasons being is that exercise is the primary treatment option that the research supports for improvements in pain, strength and overall function. Exercise is actually healthy for the joints in many ways for joint nourishment. What is the worst thing someone can do for their osteoarthritis? Well those who are inactive and participate in less physical activity typically experience worse symptoms. This is why it should be viewed as a “rest and rust” condition.

At The Reform Lab Osteopathy we can help you understand your arthritis with appropriate education. We actually want you seeing us less and participating in physical activity more. We want you to live a long life full of enjoyment and not impacted by osteoarthritis flare-ups. We are truly one of the only healthcare clinics that can provide you with an exercise program without the boundaries. Have a look at the facilities that we are fortunate enough to work from by clicking this link Project Reform.

Ensure you have a read of our research supported informative blog Pain and Exercise – Is it safe and beneficial?

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Arthritis treatment and pain relief Brisbane - Brisbane Osteopath