Hip Pain

Hip pain or hip injury are common reasons to seek treatment. The hip is a large ball and socket joint that is crucial for walking, running, squatting, bending, lunging, standing, hopping, jumping and landing. It does a lot! So we need to make sure we are looking after our hips. The Reform Lab Osteopathy provides an holistic approach to examining and treating your hip pain. Hip pain commonly is described as being felt in four places; anterior (front), lateral (outside), posterior (buttock) and medial (inner groin).

As the hip is a large weight bearing joint in the body, hip osteoarthritis is a common reason someone will seek an osteopath for treatment. The current Australian stats indicate that about 1 in 4 will develop hip osteoarthritis in their lifetime! This is quite an alarming number, however there is plenty of treatment options at The Reform Lab Osteopathy we can provide to reduce symptoms, improve function, and delay or avoid the need for a total hip replacement.

The lower back and pelvis can certainly be involved when it comes to hip pain. Your osteopath will investigate if these regions are the cause of the pain, or if they are influencing the pain experience.

Common hip conditions we manage at The Reform Lab Osteopathy:

Hip pain/Hip injury, Brisbane osteopath treatment and rehabilitation