Neck Pain

Neck pain can be very troublesome and affect the way you function in your day to day life. Neck pain is the second most common musculoskeletal complaint. With estimates of over 70% of individuals experiencing neck pain in their lifetime. This is a worldwide statistic!

With the use of osteopathy, we can provide an expert and thorough examination to determine why you are experiencing neck pain. Your osteopath knows that the pain experience is multifactorial and will utilise a holistic approach to determine the likely triggers and predisposing factors for your neck pain. This means the osteopath will look at how your whole spine is functioning as well as your shoulders. They will also investigate lifestyle factors such as sleep and stress levels, with how they may contribute to your neck pain experience.

After a thorough examination they will tailor a treatment plan that could help manage your neck pain. The ultimate goal at The Reform Lab Osteopathy is that you feel empowered and know how to best manage your neck pain. Your osteopath will provide advice and education on how you can do this. The osteopath will ensure you are getting what you want from treatment.

Reasons someone may present with Neck Pain:

  • Neck joint sprain

  • Muscle tension/strain

  • Disc bulge

  • Nerve root compression

  • Headaches

Treatment options available:

  • Osteopathy

  • Massage

  • Mobilisations and stretches

  • Cupping

  • Dry Needling

  • Joint Manipulation (you may know this as ‘cracking’ technique)

  • Exercise Rehabilitation (In the fully equipped gym Project Reform)

Ensure you read our research backed blog Is text neck causing your neck pain?’

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Treatment for Neck Pain and or Headaches