Elbow Pain

Elbow pain often develops from a gradual cause, or in some cases acute trauma. This important joint connects the upper arm and the forearm, so it serves as a crucial joint in the function of the whole upper limb. If there is an issue with the elbow, then the whole kinetic chain of the upper limb is likely to suffer. The elbow actually is made up of three joints, which act together to provide optimal function. The three bones; humerus, ulna and radius form two different joints of the elbow. The humeroulnar joint is made up of the humerus and the ulna. Whilst the humeroradial joint is comprised of the humerus and radius. It is these two joints that act together, which gives the elbow its classic hinge joint mechanism.

The proximal radioulnar joint is the third joint of the elbow, with it connecting the two forearm bones together. This joint works with the distal radioulnar joint at the wrist to provide the action of supination/pronation of the forearm. The thought process of osteopathy will provide a comprehensive examination and structured treatment to help alleviate your elbow pain. The Reform Lab Osteopathy is a unique clinic that has the luxury to provide rehabilitation services in a fully equipped gym. This ensures that your management is not limited and is evidenced based.

The most common elbow conditions presenting to The Reform Lab Osteopathy:

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Elbow pain, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, Brisbane osteopath treatment and rehabilitation