Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can be due to many reasons. It is typically known as pain that has now lasted longer than the expected healing timeframe or pain that has lasted for 3 months or more.

Establishing why you have chronic pain and what are the best treatment strategies will be a top priority at The Reform Lab Osteopathy. People who suffer with chronic pain know the effect it has on a multitude of factors in their life. From poor sleep, increased stress/anxiety, social withdrawal, fear avoidance and reduced ability to function daily.

It is important to know that you are the expert in your personal chronic pain story. Your osteopath has expert knowledge on pain science and the treatment modalities that may help you. This is where at The Reform Lab Osteopathy we use a patient centred, shared-decision making approach to getting you the answers you are looking for.

A major goal of managing chronic pain is improving functional capacity, strength, confidence and reducing fear avoidance on activities of daily function. At The Reform Lab Osteopathy we are blessed to work inside a fully equipped gym facility (Project Reform), this allows us to provide truly holistic care in an evidenced informed manner.

Treatment options we can provide to assist with your chronic pain:

  • Education and Advice

  • Osteopathy

  • Dry Needling and Cupping

  • Massage

  • Mobilisations/Stretches

  • Exercise Rehabilitation

Ensure you have a read of our research supported informative blog ‘Pain and Exercise – Is it safe and beneficial?’

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Chronic Pain Treatment Brisbane - Brisbane Osteopathy