Knee pain can be due to many different causes. This joint is one of our most important for everyday function, so when we suffer pain or injury to the region, it really affects our ability to complete activities of daily living. Functional tasks like walking, running, stair climbing, jumping and landing require a knee joint that you are confident in. The rates of knee injuries are increasing in Australia, and as such the risk of early symptomatic osteoarthritis is to. A major risk factor for the development of knee osteoarthritis is a traumatic knee injury. It is estimated that approximately 85% of osteoarthritis cases globally, are due to the burden of knee osteoarthritis. Knee osteoarthritis can be managed both conservatively and surgically. Conservative management consisting of osteopathy and exercise rehabilitation should be trialled for up to 3 months before knee surgery is considered. An unfortunate statistic in Australia over the last 20 years is that we are seeing a rapid increase in total knee replacements. To reduce the burden on the healthcare system, evidenced based conservative management and education is essential.

There is support from the research that injury “prevention” programs for knee injuries like an ACL injury, are effective. The Reform Lab Osteopathy prides itself on reducing the risk of injury and improving pain and functional outcomes post injury, if it has occurred. We are a one of a kind clinic that provides exercise rehabilitation services inside an elite facility. With the use of Project Reform’s gym, we are not limited in the rehabilitation or injury prevention programs.

Young people between the ages of 15-29 have the highest incidence of acute knee injury. So this is certainly a demographic where injury “prevention” programs should be implemented. When we break down the data more, we find that young females aged 5-14 have had the highest rise in ACL injuries over the past 20 years in Australia. This is largely due to the increased rise in sports participation among young girls. We love seeing young girls playing sport, however we need to keep them in sport by reducing their risk of acute knee injuries.

If you are wanting to manage your osteoarthritis/knee pain in a fully equipped facility, we are here for you. If you want a comprehensive rehabilitation program and treatment after sustaining a knee injury, we are here for you. If you want to reduce your risk of sustaining an acute knee injury, The Reform Lab Osteopathy is for you.

Common knee injuries we manage at The Reform Lab Osteopathy:

Knee Pain

Knee pain, knee injury - Brisbane osteopath treatment and rehabilitation