
Osteopathy is a form of allied health medicine that seeks to optimise the body’s natural healing ability, using a holistic approach to thinking.

Osteopaths treat more broadly than the site of pain, with their thought process behind treatment always considering other regions of the body that may be contributing to pain or the injury. This thought and treatment process is quite unique in the allied health world, and it is one of the major reasons why people seek out an osteopath to manage their pain/injuries.

Osteopaths are allied health professionals (5 years university trained) who focus on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions/injuries. Your osteopath using their holistic approach to thinking is often able to diagnose and formulate appropriate management plans that have been misdiagnosed or poorly managed previously.

Osteopaths have an expertise in pain/injury diagnosis and management. They often utilise manual therapy techniques to help assist the body feel its best self. Their holistic approach aims to modulate pain/tension via manual therapy, exercise rehabilitation and education. Manual therapy treatment techniques that are commonly used include; massage (including sports massage), stretching techniques like MET (muscle energy technique), joint mobilisations, spinal/joint manipulation (HVLA/cracking), dry needling and cupping.

Exercise rehabilitation is a fundamental component of osteopathy and should always be a goal of treatment. Exercise rehabilitation is the evidence-based management strategy that has a range of health benefits including pain management and improving function. Exercise rehabilitation at The Reform Lab Osteopathy is guided by our experienced sports osteopath and strength & conditioning coach. This ensures that your exercise rehabilitation is not poorly prescribed and is suitable for your current needs and capacity. Gone are the days of too many low loaded exercises that have no appropriate programming and having you feel overwhelmed. Due to your osteopaths knowledge and experience you will be guided and scientifically progressed. All we care about is results. We use science, experience, compassion and our elite facilities to have you feeling empowered and your best.

Who we treat?

Our treatments at The Reform Lab Osteopathy are suitable for anyone over 5 years of age. Patients include athletes with injuries, expectant mothers, seniors, desk-bound office workers, manual labour workers and people with long-term pain on a journey to better health.

The most common conditions include:

Neck Pain

Lower Back Pain

Sporting Injuries

Running Injuries


Shoulder Pain

Middle Back & Rib Pain

Elbow Pain

Wrist & Hand Pain

Knee Pain

Hip Pain

Ankle & Foot Pain


Pregnancy-Related Pain

Prolonged Postural Tension

Chronic Pain


Jaw Pain

Tendon Related Issues