Postural Tension

When we are in positions for too long, our bodies cry out for help by becoming tense in the surrounding muscles and joints. This is our alarm to move around and nourish the joints with synovial fluid and our muscles with blood flow.

People often state that their posture is “bad” or “needs improvement”, however a vast amount of clinical research has found that there is not one posture that is ideal or predisposes someone to injury. What they have found is that frequent movement is one strategy to help manage this pain associated with sustained postures.

Sometimes though we get in the zone of work and have been sitting for hours without movement. This results in that feeling of postural tension and at The Reform Lab Osteopathy we can help. By providing you with movement strategies and exercises, we can reduce the frequency of this tension developing.

Sustained postural tension can lead to headaches, migraines and sometimes referred pain to other areas of the body.

Treatment options that may help:

  • Osteopathy

  • Massage

  • Dry Needling

  • Cupping

  • Spinal Manipulation (AKA “cracking”)

  • Mobilisations/Stretches

  • Exercise Rehabilitation and Advice

Ensure you read our research backed blog Is text neck causing your neck pain?’

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Posture pain - Bad posture - desk worker

Some of the best posture exercises you can do to help reduce pain, tension and headaches/migraines.

3 simple and helpful exercises to improve the pain associated with prolonged "poor posture".