ACL Rehabilitation

The ACL is one of the most significant injuries one can suffer with. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plays a vital role in the knee for stability. It is sometimes referred to as the sensory organ of the knee where it provides sensory and proprioceptive feedback. It is commonly injured in contact sports that require the individual to pivot and change direction. To learn more in detail about the ACL follow the link below.

At The Reform Lab Osteopathy we offer a comprehensive management approach from injury prevention through scientific strength and conditioning, to early management post-acute injury, post-operation rehabilitation, return to sport performance, and non-surgical conservative management.

Osteopath and director Jackson is experienced in managing these injuries and is extremely passionate about updating himself with the best research on this highly researched topic. Jackson successfully rehabilitated himself post ACL injury in 2021 and has felt the strongest he ever felt (even pre-injury). It is our goal at The Reform Lab Osteopathy that our ACL athletes all come back better and stronger than they were prior to their injury. How do we know that you are stronger and a better athlete when returning to sport? At The Reform Lab we have sports science testing equipment from Vald where we utilise the force plates to measure your strength, power, jump height, asymmetries and much more. With the data we collect, you can be certain that you have passed all testing criteria to return back to sport at a lower chance of re-injury and as a better athlete.

We take pride in educating you through the process of this psychologically challenging injury from the start to finish. You will comprehensively understand your treatment options (surgery or non-surgery) and the pros and cons of each. You will be able to follow a rehab plan that is tailored and individualised to you.

A major issue in the management of ACL injuries is that many healthcare providers are not equipped with the facilities that are required. Furthermore, many healthcare providers are unable to progress their athletes back to sport ready to perform. At The Reform Lab Osteopathy we have the facilities and your osteopath is able to diagnose, treat, manage your early-late stage rehab, and get you back to sport ready to perform with his strength & conditioning qualification.