Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is very prevalent condition. In fact it is the 3rd most common musculoskeletal pain condition with a whopping lifetime prevalence of up to 70%. This means that about 70% of the population will develop shoulder pain in their lifetime. Statistical research also shows that up to 50% of the population will experience an episode of shoulder pain per year.

Unfortunately, only 1 in 50 adults will seek care and treatment for a new episode onset of shoulder pain! Sometimes we think as humans that “it will just go away”, however 40-50% of these people will continue to experience symptoms of shoulder pain 6-12 months after the initial onset. So seeking treatment really should be essential, so that you can understand your pain and overcome it.

Did you know that the shoulder is our most mobile joint and does numerous functions that are fundamental to daily living. So pain in the shoulder would really interrupt the way you feel and function. This has been shown through the research where in one study “shoulder pain, more than knee and low back pain had the most impact on physical and mental quality of life” (Imagama et al, 2019).

This is why treating the shoulder in an evidenced based manner is really important to us at The Reform Lab Osteopathy. Osteopath and Director Jackson is very passionate in managing this region of the body and has completed further additional training to ensure he gives you the appropriate advice and management.

The most common reasons for why someone may have shoulder pain:

Treatment Options At The Reform Lab Osteopathy

  • Osteopathy

  • Exercise Rehabilitation

  • Cupping

  • Dry Needling

  • Massage

  • Stretches/Mobilisations

  • Spinal/Joint Manipulation (AKA “cracking techniques”)

Ensure you read our research supported informative blogs ‘Tendon Reaction Injuries’ & ‘Pain and Exercise – Is it safe and beneficial?.

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Shoulder Pain treatment Brisbane - Osteo near me