Sporting Injuries

At The Reform Lab Osteopathy we are truly fortunate to be able to work out of the elite facilities of Project Reform. We are one of the very few clinics around that can provide a truly holistic experience with the use of a manual therapy approach and a fully functional exercise rehabilitation program.

We are one of the leading sports osteopathy clinics in Australia for our comprehensive facilities, and our sports performance testing equipment. In addition to providing care for rehabilitation purposes, we can use the sports performance equipment from VALD to measure injury risk and weaknesses that may contribute to injury/reduced performance. After we have identified the areas in need of improvement, we can individualise a program targeted to your needs.

Sporting Injuries are our biggest passion to assist with. Director and osteopath Jackson has played many sports and even competed in dancing at a young age. This has given him first hand experience at how each athlete moves through their unique sport and therefore how it should be treated to achieve the best results possible and reduce the chances of re-injury.

We will examine your injury for the individual that you are and provide the relevant treatment and rehabilitation required to get you back doing what you love doing.

At The Reform Lab Osteopathy we ensure we are up to date with the best research so that you get the best management possible.

Frequent Sporting Injuries:

Make sure you read our informative blogs with modern day research Are shin splints stopping you from running?, Plantar Fasciitis – A pain in the Sole!, The Achilles Heel – What is that pain at the back of your heel? & Tendon Reaction Injuries.’

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Sports injury treatment Brisbane - Sports Osteopath