Jaw Pain/Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction

Jaw pain or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues often present to the clinic. They are typically more common in those individuals who grind or clench their teeth. Your dentist may let you know that you grind your teeth, as often we do this subconsciously or during our sleep. We sometimes get direct referrals from dentists who recommend osteopathy as a way to help ease the pain that may result from teeth grinding.

Headaches as a result of teeth clenching/grinding often occur. The reason for this is due to the nerve supply to the muscles of the jaw, are also responsible for sensation to the face/head. This is where we get a headache referral pattern, where somatic dysfunction results in a sensitised nerve centre causing an output to the face/head.

The presentation of jaw pain/TMJ dysfunction can be treated with osteopathy. At The Reform Lab Osteopathy we utilise a truly holistic approach to modulate your pain/tension.

Treatment options available:

  • Osteopathy

  • Massage

  • Mobilisations/Stretches

  • Spinal Manipulation (AKA “cracking”)

  • Dry Needling and Cupping

  • Exercise Rehabilitation (in the fully equipped elite gym Project Reform)

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Jaw Pain/TMJ dysfunction treatment Brisbane