Pregnancy & Post-Partum

This is one of the most exciting times in a women’s life. The journey of pregnancy and then the post-partum period are accompanied with many changes to the mother’s body. However as there are many changes occurring and women are living their busy lives, injury or pain can occur. The Reform Lab Osteopathy is very passionate about helping you feel your best self throughout this process.

Director & Osteopath Jackson has undergone further learning in this area on managing pregnancy. He is up to date with the research on exercise prescription during pregnancy and the benefits that being active has on not only the mother, but baby as well. Helping women return to physical activity post-partum is something he is passionate about, especially for its benefits again on mother and baby.

Ensure you read our informative blog with supporting research ‘Pregnancy and Exercise’ to learn the many reasons why exercise is important during and post pregnancy.

Pregnancy relief osteopathy - Brisbane Osteopath