Concussion treatment - Brisbane osteopath - Brisbane osteopathy for concussion

Concussion Management

A concussion is a brain injury that has a variety of symptoms. Concussions should always be taken seriously and the individual monitored, with a delayed onset of symptoms commonly occurring. Concussion related headaches and neck pain/stiffness are common symptoms that result after sustaining a concussion. It is well reported that AFL champion and 2-time Brownlow medallist Nathan Fyfe, frequently received care from an osteopath to help manage his headaches and concussion related symptoms.

A concussion results in a change to the chemistry of the brain, ultimately affecting function. Once you sustain a concussion the likelihood of another concussion increases. Research has shown that after one concussion the risk of another concussion = 1.5 times the risk. A history of two concussions = 2.8 times the risk. If you have had three or more prior concussions, the risk = 3.4. This is why concussions should be taken seriously and recovery not rushed.

Contact sports like Australian rules football, rugby union and league, boxing and even soccer (from repetitive heading of the ball) have a high prevalence of concussion injuries. As we have seen recently, many professional sporting bodies have strongly implemented concussion policies to reduce the risk of chronic brain injuries. The 2015 film ‘Concussion’ starring Will Smith is a great insightful film based off a true story, detailing the effect repetitive concussions has on the brain. In addition to concussion policies, the AFL for example have changed the rules around tackling to protect the head. To the extent of players missing many games from suspension, for what has previously been viewed a ‘normal’ tackle. We all know the risks of concussion and head injuries when playing contact sports, however we must treat every head/neck injury with the appropriate care.

A post traumatic headache or concussion related headache is a common symptom post injury. The blow to the head does not have to be severe for the headache symptoms to result. Most commonly the headache will resemble a cervicogenic headache, however tension type headaches and even migraines are possible. Your osteopath will provide an appropriate examination to determine the type of headache it resembles and then provide treatment based off the clinical picture. It is believed that those who suffer a migraine like headache after concussion, tend to have an increased recovery time.

The Reform Lab Osteopathy takes pride in improving your recovery post concussion. We are also a clinic privileged to offer rehabilitation inside an elite gym like Project Reform.