The adolescent population aged between 10-19 are at the age where their young bodies are going through a lot of changes and growth. They are also playing higher level competitive sport which puts more demands on their body. Injuries and pain are frequent in this population, however they can be effectively managed so that sport/activity participation is not heavily interrupted.

Director and Osteopath Jackson is very passionate in treating this population as it was injuries as an adolescent that really affected his ability to participate in sport and this impacted his mental health. Losing the passion for your sport in this age group is frequent, however many lose the passion due to injury stopping them from doing what they loved doing. The Reform Lab Osteopathy is here to diagnose, treat and manage your injury/pain concerns. We strive to get people not only back playing, but confident to get back and reduce the likelihood of further injuries down the track interrupting performance/participation.


Teenager injury, Brisbane osteopath, Osteo near me Brisbane